Ardith Bondi's Gallery

Portrait of Wally by Egon Schiele

Plaque about the painting 1

Plaque about the painting 2

Plaque about the painting 2

Hilda Bondi

Mari-Claudia Jimenez, Larry

Kaye, Lee Rosenbaum

Robert Newman and Joyce


Mrs. Rudolf Leopold and


Robert Morgenthau, then NY

County District Attorney

Hilda and Joe Bondi

Robert Morgenthau, Andre

Bondi, Howard Spiegler,

Raymond Kelly, James Hayes,

Jr., Preet Bharara, David


Robert Morgenthau and Andre

Bondi studying their notes

Robert Morgenthau, Andre

Bondi, Howard Spiegler,

Raymond Kelly

Preet Bharara, US Attorney for

the Southern District of NY

James Hayes, Jr, Special Agent

in Charge, ICE

Police Commissioner Raymond


David Marwell, Director,

Museum of Jewish Heritage

Howard Spiegler, an Attorney

representing the Estate of Leah

Bondi Jaray

Andre Bondi 1

Andre Bondi 2

Andre Bondi 3

Andre Bondi, emotionally

recalling his ill father's

Jane Kallir, St. Etienne Gallery

Andre Bondi and Sharon Cohen

Levin, US Attorney, Chief of the

Ruth Rozanek, relative important

to the case

Mrs. Rudolf Leopold

Bob Roistacher, unsung hero

who devised the strategy of

taking a criminal action

Neil Getnick

David D'Arcy, Hildegard

Bachert, Jane Kallir, John Kallir

and Bob Roistacher

View of the Statue of Liberty and

NY Harbor from

Larry Kaye, ?, Mari-Claudia, Bob

?, Mari-Claudia, Bob, Jane Kallir

Bob, Jane, Hildegard, John Kallir

Portrait of Wally Commemoration: July 29, 2010

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I took all but one of these photographs on July 29, 2010 at the event to celebrate justice achieved at

the resolution of the legal action regarding the Portrait of Wally painting by Egon Schiele and to

commemorate the Legacy of Leah Bondi Jaray. The event took place at the Museum of Jewish

Heritage in Battery Park City in New York City, where the painting is being displayed until August 18,


If you know names that have been omitted from the captions, please feel free to use the contact form

on this site to let me know, and I will add the names.  Ardith Bondi

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