Ardith Bondi's Gallery

Courting Mew Gull pair

Mew Gull pair on a rock

Mew Gulls shaking off

Gray Wolf


Male Willow Ptarmigan 1

Male Willow Ptarmigan 2

female Willow Ptarmigan

Golden-crowned Sparrow


Bristle-thighed Curlew

Bar-tailed Godwit

Train to Nowhere

First Spring Peregrine Falcon

(tundrius) 1

First Spring Peregrine Falcon

(tundrius) 2

Lapland Longspur


Pacific Golden Plover

Black-belled Plover

Parasitic Jaeger

Long-tailed Jaeger

Long-tailed Jaeger

Rock Ptarmigan

Red Fox

Tundra Swan

Tundra Swan taking off

Arctic Tern on a bridge rail


American Dipper catching

insects in a stream

American Dipper catching bugs

underwater 1

American Dipper catching bugs

underwater 2

American Dipper holding a bug

American Dipper bringing food

to its nest

Black-billed Magpie

Cackling Goose 1

Cackling Goose 2

male Peacock

Spotted Towhee

Steller's Jay

Ash-throated Flycatcher

nursing Scottish Highlander


male Rufous Hummingbird

male Rufous Hummingbird

male Rufous Hummingbird

male Rufous Hummingbird

male Rufous Hummingbird

male Rufous Hummingbird

male Rufous Hummingbird

male Rufous Hummingbird

Chestnut-backed Chickadee 1

Chestnut-backed Chickadee 2

Chestnut-backed Chickadee 3

Red Squirrel 1

Red Squirrel 2

Fox Sparrow

Dark-eyed Junco "Oregon" race

American Pipit

American Crows

mom Mallard and her ducklings

another mom Mallard with her


young Red Squirrel

Bald Eagle and handler at Alaska

Raptor Center

Cape Buffalo

Alaska, etc., 2009

        Home Photo Gallery Brown Booby photos Recent Additions Garrison, NY 2019 - Brazil Pantanal 2017 Belize 2018 Cave Swallows Nov. 2015 Jones Beach Northern Harrier with nesting material Plum Beach Northern Wheatear Freeport Pelagic Nov. 23, 2013 Adirondack Loons Swinburne Island Chile 2012 Falkland Islands 2012 Falkland Islands 2014 South Georgia 2012 Grytviken, So. Georgia 2012 (and 1992) CPk Reservoir hybrid goose Neotropic Cormorant at Wakodahatchee Wetlands, FL Baltimore Oriole fem CPk Maine 2011 Carole Berglie's pictures of the South Polar Skua Gray-hooded Gull in Coney Island Raccoon at work in Central Park Raccoon moving day at The Point Antarctica and Argentina 2010 NYPL Prothonotary Warbler 2010 Midway Atoll March 2-8 2010 California 2010 Alaska, etc., 2009 Protective Goose at Oceanside Ross's Goose at Cammann's Pond Northern Hawk Owl Sharp-tailed Sparrows Ring-billed gull coughs up a fish Arizona Florida Texas West Indies Scott's Oriole Hoary Redpoll & Neighbors Barnegat Light Scaup 1/12/08 Iceland New York State New Jersey Birds of Prey Ducks and Geese Gulls and Terns Shorebirds Songbirds Australia Yellowstone NP Amherst Island, Ontario Chipping Sparrow fledgling Parrots NYFC Concert 11/20/2011 Wally Commemoration "Wally 's Journey" panel discussion The Lake Sharpie in the Ramble Lee's paintings Peter Post's Small White-cheeked Geese Namibia (some Cape Town) 2016 Raptor Shoot Colorado 2014 Exhibit Photos Taci Softball Opening 2018 Lyme Summary Report The Photographer My Gear My Concerts Flute Fairs Thomas Nyfenger Dalcroze Contact Group 137

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